ROMEO results in OA on ZENODO
Have a look and go through ROMEO's public deliverables and publications! This dedicated community created on ZENODO gathers results of the project available in Open Access (OA). -
Combining homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts
Read more on ROMEO's work in CHEMISTRYWORLD -
New companies convinced by ROMEO’s outcomes
ROMEO was successfully showcased at the SPIRE booth : an occasion to initiate first contacts with companies interested by ROMEO's technologies. -
Watch & Like ROMEO’s video !
ROMEO participates in the EU communication campaign "Showcase your project". Thanks to you we could win free travel and accommodation to attend the next Euro Science Open Forum (Toulouse, July 2018) ! -
All about ROMEO at a glance
Download the brochure -
A First-class Consortium
Nine partners from 5 European countries make up ROMEO's team. -
Sustainable Process Industry
ROMEO's new reactor concept: reaction and downstream processing steps combined into a single unit.
A European Research & Innovation Project funded by the European Commission
Start Date: 14 th September 2015 - Duration: 48 months
Latest News
04 Jul 2018ROMEO at EFCATS School on CatalysisJakob Marinkovic, PhD student at DTU, Denmark, took part in the EFCATS School on Catalysis organized in Czech Republic. To sum up: a new and good occasion to present ROMEO’s reactor-separation concept!...
Welcome on ROMEO’s website

What do they say about ROMEO?
Small Revolution & Huge Step!
"If we succeed, it will be a small revolution for chemical process engineering and a huge step towards more sustainable processes."
Prof. Robert Franke, Project Coordinator, Evonik, Germany
A great step towards greener chemistry
"ROMEO is a huge opportunity to really have an impact on chemical reactions that are part of our everyday life. If ROMEO works out, it is a great step towards greener chemistry."
Morten Logemann, PhD candidate at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Something that hasn’t been done before
“The ROMEO concept will reduce significantly energy intensity while also reducing the downstream processing steps. This has never been done before. ”
Haris Kadrispahic, Head of projects, LiqTech International, Denmark
Huge impact
"If we can achieve the targets of the ROMEO project, this will have a huge impact on the “green” Hydrogen market!"
Dr Björn Schichtel, Linde AG, Germany
Drastic reductions
"If we succeed, we’ll be able to drastically reduce emissions, energy consumption, space needs and costs in the chemical industry, which benefits the economy and the environment."
Dr Raquel Portela, Researcher at ICP-CSIC, Spain