13 Mar 2018
March 13, 2018

A project of worldwide importance!

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Jürgen Loipersböck, junior researcher at Bioenergy 2020+ Gmbh, Austria, took part in the CCECP held in Singapore. He presented the new developed part of gas cleaning, which will be used to prepare the gas before ROMEO’s Water-Gas Shift reactor.


The 6th annual international conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process (CCECP) fostered collaborative interdisciplinary research in state-of-the art methodologies and technologies within chemistry. It had been a really good opportunity to showcase ROMEO and its first results regarding gas preparation to the audience. About fifty Professors, Senior Researchers and PhD students attended the conference. Also some leading industrial managers participated.

ROMEO’s fruitful participation and impacts

The conference was suitable for small group discussions, which were beneficial for all sides. Several academic and industrial contacts were made, with the goal to intensify the impact of gasification technologies, especially biomass based, in the Asiatic area. Facilitated transport and membrane technology focusing on this effect were one major topic, which will help ROMEO to succeed with its membrane based Water-Gas Shift reactor.

About the related scientific publication

J. Loipersböck, D. Knöbl, M. Luisser, G. Weber, H. Gruber, H. Hofbauer, R. Rauch (2018). Improving the gas cleaning unit of a hydrogen production plant by using a temperature swing adsorption. CCECP 2018, GSTF Conference Proceedings ISSN: 2301-3761. p15. DOI:10.5176/2301-3761_CCECP18.15 (CC-BY-NC 3.0)

Abstract : Hydrogen production from dual fluidized bed (DFB) gasification of biomass has the potential to help to fulfill the aims of the UN and EU to reduce fossil fuel demand. To investigate the production of hydrogen from biomass a research plant producing 3 Nm3 of hydrogen per hour was set up. First results showed the possibility to produce hydrogen from biomass with a purity of more than 99.99 %. However, techno economic analyze showed the need to reduce consumables. Therefore temperature swing adsorption (TSA) was investigated as an alternative to a biodiesel scrubber. First results show the possibility of using a TSA in the process chain. Nevertheless, additional work will have to confirm the long term stability and cost reduction potential for long-running commercial units.

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