Jakob Marinkovic, PhD student at DTU, Denmark, took part in the EFCATS School on Catalysis organized in Czech Republic. To sum up: a new and good occasion to present ROMEO’s reactor-separation concept!
EFCATS & its School on Catalysis
The European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS) is a non-profit organization of 25 National European Catalysis Societies. It aims to facilitate, coordinate, and rationalize scientific activities in the field of catalysis on a transnational level. As a result, the EFCATS School on Catalysis was organized from 25 to 29 June 2018 in Liblice Castle (Czech Republic). It consisted of Invited Tutorial and Plenary lecture delivered by top experts in the field of catalysis, short oral communications by students, poster sessions, and several presentations of representatives of some companies producing instruments for catalytic testing or characterization of catalysts.
ROMEO’s contribution
Jakob Marinkovic, PhD student at DTU, has been part of the hundred of participants. On June 27, he presented ROMEO’s Reactor-Separation Concept for Process Intensification in Industrial Homogeneous Catalysis.